DigitiZAtion of a nation
So I asked on my Facebook what I could write about for today's blog with the theme of education in the new era. Ironically, the only response was the lack ICT in South African public schools. Abbreviated for Information, and Communication Technology, in short, it is the integration of education with digital tools and knowledge. Now that would seem a pretty simple and obvious endeavor in the contemporary world wouldn't it? Well, the project started nearly ten years ago, and only because of the pandemic in 2020 did we actually see a real integration of digital tools and education, because we were forced to. I think for many educators in South Africa the digital migration has seemed pointless, even now "post" pandemic, there has been a great regression in the acceptance of digital literacies. And I think this is where the issue really begins. The unaccepting of change and integration is something I'm sure stems from our segregated past, but it has seeped its way thro...